Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Eagle Optimist Update

A short summary of our discussions yesterday at lunch:

Membership Drive –
The most important thing for our club to accomplish is to increase our membership.
One way we can do that is to talk to people - about your club, what we are trying to accomplish, about Optimism. Then invite them to come to a lunch meeting and get involved.
Another way to grow the club is a membership ‘event’ like our planned event on 9/24. In order to make that work, I need to get the spreadsheet/occupation lists that were sent out back so we can put together a mailing list. We are running out of time, so please look the list over, put down any names you think of, and get it back to me ASAP.

Optimist concession stands –
Boise noon club is looking for help manning their concession stands at the Optimist football facility on Hill road again this year. This was a good fundraiser for our club last year, in order to commit again this year I need to know who is interested and can commit to some time on the weekends from 9/10 to 10/15. Whatever you can or want to do whether it is 1 Saturday for a 4 hour shift or every Saturday for all day. Again – let me know ASAP.

Safety day project –
Has tentatively been re-scheduled for 10/11/11 from 5 to 7 at the Landing. We need volunteers to help at the event (which will include being there an hour or two early to set up) and we need someone to chair/coordinate the event. Let me know what you can help with…

The new officers will assume the ‘reins’ on 10/1/11 and Ben is working on a time and place for an installation banquet/dinner. If you have any ideas or can help let him know.


Mike Harris and Gretchen Brown, Co-presidents