Thursday, February 23, 2012

Project for PATH Idaho

The Eagle Optimist Club is currently preparing a "Welcome Basket" donation to PATH Idaho. PATH is a private non-profit organization that has provided treatment foster care and child and family services since 1972. During the 2010-2011 Christmas Season Eagle Optimists donated a Christmas tree and dinner to a foster family. This year PATH had a different need. They have a young lady that is 18 years old and preparing to leave foster care and move out on her own. They requested a "Welcome Basket" To help with her transition into independent living, PATH has developed a project that seeks “sponsors” to fill laundry baskets with basic household items a young person needs as they move out on their own and are welcomed to adulthood. We are planning on presenting the donation at our February 28th luncheon meeting.

1 comment:

  1. As Chairman of the Board for PATH Idaho, I want to thank the Eagle Optimist Club for your good work. PATH really appreciates the good you do for foster children and families!
